Spring Cleaning

Time-Saving Spring Cleaning Tips

Time-Saving Spring Cleaning Tips Image

When you think about tackling spring cleaning, you may envision reorganizing your closets, decluttering your bedroom, or freshening up and changing out your curtains.

For some, tackling a spring cleaning checklist is a thrill. For others, tackling a spring cleaning checklist can feel like an unwanted chore. Wherever you fall, pull out these 8 time-saving spring cleaning tips with Borax.

1. Simplify Your Cleaning Products

Take a look at your cabinet that houses your cleaning supplies. How many cleaning products have piled up over the years? Many of us have fallen into cleaning product hoarders. Borax goes a LONG way because it does the task of so many cleaning products all in one box! As an all natural multi-purpose cleaner and laundry booster, Borax can be used to help remove odors, clean carpets, boost your laundry, and clean surfaces throughout your home.

Tried and true since 1891, using Borax helps reduce the number of cleaning products you need by wearing multiple different cleaning hats.

2. Stop Skipping Rug and Carpet Cleaning

Let’s be honest - when it comes to rug or carpet cleaning most of us just use a vacuum and call it a day. Spring means there’s a lot more dust, dander, and pollen floating around. With Borax, you don’t need to hire a professional for rug cleaning or carpet cleaning. It’s so simple. Pick a day to tackle both rug and carpet cleaning in one go to save you time.. To begin, just mix a half a cup of Borax with a gallon of hot water and add it to your steam cleaner.

If you’re unsure whether or not your carpets are colorfast, or able to hold on to color when exposed to moisture, light, heat or cleaning products, spot test a small part of your carpet in an area you won’t notice. Then, steam clean your rugs and carpets according to your steam cleaner’s directions. Be sure to let the carpet and rug dry completely before using it again.

3. Clear Off Your Counters and Surfaces in Advance

Before beginning to clean a surface like your kitchen or bathroom counter, remove all small items from the surface and place them in a safe area. This step prevents you from having to remove things from surfaces as you go, allowing you to clean all of your surfaces at once and save time.

You can make a simple, multi-purpose cleaner for surfaces throughout your home by diluting ½ cup of Borax into 12 ounces of water and pouring the mixture into a spray bottle. Be sure to label your bottle and store out of reach of children and pets.

To learn more about all of the ways you can use Borax for spring cleaning your home, explore more uses here. Then, see everywhere Borax is sold in-store and online.

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